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Toenail Fungus Treatment Best Over Counter

Treating the top (manifestation of the disease) and the root of the disease is the basic standard of Medicine

It's okay to treat toenail fungus without a prescription, just like many healers who don't need a prescription and still succeed. But the basic standard of medicine since ancient times is to know the root cause of a disease in order to treat it and at the same time eliminate the symptoms - which are also the top of the disease.

Toenail Fungus Treatment Best Over Counter
Illustration for problem "Toenail Fungus Treatment Best Over Counter" from Blog acu-frequency.blogspot.com

The manifestations of canker sores mainly include dimorphism, such as black, yellow, coarse rhizomes, and many other deformities.

The origin of this disease is believed to be caused by a fungus called Dermatophyte. In addition, nail fungus is caused by different fungal organisms. Yeast and mold can also cause nail infections. Fungal nail infections can develop in people of any age, but they are more common in older adults. This is official information from Western medicine.

But where does the fungus called Dermatophyte or fungi come from? Why do some people get toenail fungus while others do not, even though they live in the same environment?

The root cause of toenail fungus is due to the body's error in metabolism and cell activity, leading to weakened or transformed toenail cells.

An example of a weak or faulty cell

Normally, a cell will take up 18 ATP (energy-carrying molecules), but when the cell is anaerobic, it will take up much less ATP than the value of 18 ATP. Usually, cancer cells are weak in an anaerobic form, rich in sweets (not exactly sugar) but lacking in oxygen, and in a weakened form, absorbing only about 2 ATP. The body pushes the weak cells to become tumors. This is actually the body's self-healing process. There are neither benign nor malignant tumors. All three treatments of Western medicine are wrong, leading to cancer patients dying faster. In fact, simply stopping the intake of toxins and allowing the body to heal itself is a necessary condition for curing cancer. Western Medicine participates in the One World Order (New World Order) agenda. Western medicine's theory of bacteria and viruses is also wrong. In fact, bacteria or viruses are waste products of cells.

Toenail fungus is caused by the body's own fault with the toenail cells, or weakened nail cells. It is quite similar to cancer but is not classified as cancer.

Is toenail fungus contagious?

The fungi that are thought to be the cause of the disease are actually caused by faulty or weakened cells of the body when faced with a favorable environment. When cells are faulty or weakened and encounter an environment in the blood containing toxins, chemicals favorable for fungus growth, etc., toenails can develop fungal diseases.

The spread of the disease is just the human body's mechanism that turns on the self-healing mode to help others. However, not everyone turns on self-healing mode to help others. Only people who have the ability to resonate biological fields with each other are able to transfer diseases from one person to another. That's the reality when you come into contact with sick people.

But in order to have the biofield resonance mechanism leading to disease transmission in most diseases, another condition is that they both endure the same toxic environment and eat the same poisonous food. Some diseases that do not require this condition are still contagious, but not everyone is contagious.

Toenail fungus is also the same, mainly due to eating and living modes that are not in accordance with circadian rhythms and a toxic environment, leading to faults in the body or cells.

In short, the disease toenail fungus is not contagious if people do not live in the same environment and the body is not faulty.

There is no fungal organism that flies from one person's feet or hands to another's feet or hands to produce mycosis. It's the truth. If you are healthy and in good spirits, you are not susceptible to biological wall resonance with others, even if you put the toenail of a person with the fungus against your toenail. At that time, the toenail fungus still cannot spread to you.

Non-prescription treatments

💠 Treatment of the tip (manifested part) of onychomycosis

This is a method to get rid of toenail fungus, typically done through surgery, the use of lasers, or chemical treatments.

In particular, there is a natural substance that can be used to treat toenail fungus - apple cider vinegar. However, not everyone can successfully treat toenail fungus with apple cider vinegar because the root cause of toenail fungus can differ among individuals due to a different mechanism of error cell generation.

Even so, apple cider vinegar is considered to be very effective and can work to eliminate the appearance of toenail fungus for most people. See also: Treat Toenail Fungus with Apple Cider Vinegar.

Eliminate toenail fungus with our exclusive formula

We have synthesized natural ingredients with two properties:

  1. anti-fungal, and
  2. activation of cells to their normal working mechanism in toenails.

Our formula is exclusive and contains four special high-quality oils, along with a powerful combination of nine oils and minerals. For more information on our unique proprietary formula, please visit website - Solution table for Fight Fungus Resistance And Support Healthy Nails And Skin:

Pictures and Link 🔗
The reason why antifungals don’t work very well is because the fungus is mutating very fast due to how powerful the treatments we throw at it are.
Fight Fungus Resistance And Support Healthy Nails And Skin
A bespoke proprietary formula of 4 special high-quality oils, along with a powerful mix of 9 oils and minerals
The result: Perfect nails and skin, with the bad smell and itching completely gone forever!
Our formula is a unique blend that fungus has never been exposed to, killing it off for good and getting rid of any spores that might remain behind.
Maintain the health of your nails and skin with this revolutionary treatment.

💠 Treat the root cause of nail fungus by returning the body to its natural state. 

This is the state of optimization that the Creator bestows upon us. Practicing certain martial arts or following a particular religion can also bring the body to a special state, enabling it to absorb the latent Prana energy of the universe. If you follow a true religion that leads to goodness, you can choose a suitable cultivation method.

However, as long as you avoid putting toxins into your body, live in a good environment, eat natural foods (no processed foods), and live in a place with good feng shui, your body will be healthy and strong without any training.

The method of activating the body to its inherent state given by nature is to use electric acupuncture to activate the body's latent energy. However, this method does not use skin-invasive acupuncture needles; instead, it uses short-time high-frequency voltage pulses to activate the body. Voltage spikes are not dangerous, as demonstrated by sparks in a Tesla coil that enter the finger without causing harm, due to their refrigeration effect. Depending on the frequency of the Tesla coil, voltage or sparks can be dangerous or not.

Treat the root cause of nail fungus by returning the body to its natural state
An image of using electric acupuncture based on a manual to bring the body into balance is shown, based on the activation of Qi flow, resulting in the activation and sublimation of Jing and Shen accordingly.

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==> East-West integrated medicine - Jing-Qi-Shen principle - the power of internal forces.

Concluding Remarks

Sometimes, just treating the fungal part of the toenail, that is, the tip of the toenail fungus, is enough to treat the disease. It is a sign of the body healing itself. However, if you do not change your lifestyle, eating habits, and still load toxins into your body without knowing it, then the risk of toenail fungus recurrence is very high.

If you do not treat the root cause of this disease, then you will often have to treat the manifestation of toenail fungus.

The modern acupuncture program will help you correct the body's errors after the manifestation of toenail fungus, as well as many other diseases.

We recommend two methods:

🔺 👉  Treating the manifestation of toenail fungus - considered an over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment

🔺  Modern acupuncture aims to activate Qi in the body's meridian system, in order to bring the body to an energetic state. Below are illustrations and more information about this program:

✰* A related Proposal ✰*:

🌀 Your body and mind will have a "Big Difference" after having the meridians cleared:

👉 It’s called Acu-Frequency TM

🌀 It's no longer a legend of Chinese martial arts, it's Real

ACU-FREQUENCY   ✰* ✰* ✰* ✰* ✰*

When you combine the two, you get the best over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment.

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